Energy Efficiency

[2] Energy and Climate (SI)

[2.1] Energy Efficient Appliances Usage
C:\Users\lenova-\Desktop\GREENMETRIC EVIDENCES\Kampus  Geneli Kanıt Fotoğrafları\IMG_20200505_155223.jpg
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Examples of energy efficient lighting devices in Mersin University Çiftlikköy Campus(Use of LED lighting and lamps with light detection and solar energy, and use of energy efficient printers, computers, refrigerators etc.)
Examples of Energy Efficient Appliances Usage: Solar absorption system (Mersin University, Turkey)
AppliancesTotal NumberTotal Number of Energy Efficient AppliancesPercentage
LED and Sensor Lamps2300023000100%
Inverter Air Conditioner A/C14001400100%
Energy Star-Certified Computers71267126100%
Total Percentage100 %


Mersin University has attempted to reduce energy consumption and efforts to increase this target will continue in the future. Special attention is paid to increasing the number of LED lamps in open spaces on campus (walkways and vehicle roads) and in buildings, using high energy-saving devices such as computers, printers, air conditioners and refrigerators used in the offices, and choosing all other applications from these energy efficient devices. Efforts continue to increase the number of these applications. With these practices, and at the same time, with the letters sent by our rectorate, awareness of students and employees is raised in terms of energy saving.

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