Social Events

[6] Education and Research (ED)

[6.8] Number of Events Related to Sustainability

(Green and clean campus activity)

Examples of Events Related to Sustainability (Mersin University, Turkey)

This photo is from Mersin Environment Congress, organized for the 4th time, by Mersin University Environmental Community on 01-02.03.2016

Mersin University Environmental community participated in the “Green Sector” congress, hosted by Yıldız Technical University on 17-18.03.2016.

Our community participated in the Congress on Student Approaches to Environmental Problems hosted by Antalya Akdeniz University.

It is from Mersin Environmental Congress, the 5th of which was held by Mersin University Environment Community on 03-04.03.2017.

Our community participated in the Student Environment Workshop hosted by Samsun 19 Mayıs University on 21-22.04.2017.

Our group participated in the SLÇEV congress held on 29-30.03.2017 by Konya Selçuk University Environment Community.

Our group participated in ÇEPAS “Environmental Sharing Symposium” held in Adana on 15.05.2017

Our traditional, Mersin University Environmental Community meeting and fusion with our new friends in Environmental Engineering was held on 28.10.2017

Our meetings during the preparations of the 6th Mersin Environmental Congress.

It is one of our Mersin Environment Congress, which was held by Mersin University Environment Community on 02-03.03.2018 and organized for the 6th time

Our group participated in the student environment congress called “ULUÇEK” organized by Bursa Uludağ University on 30-31.03.2018.

Our group participated in the activity named “There is an invitation to clean”, organized by Mersin University Faculty of Education, dated 20.04.2018.

Our professional talk on Environmental Problems and Solutions at Large-Scale Construction Sites was held by our community with the participation of the members.

Waste Management in Turkey and our professional interview from existing Environmental Externalities, was held by our environmental community on 02.13.2019

For the members of our community, our conversation about NLP assumptions in personal development was held on 22.02.2019.

Our community members attended the Environment Student Workshop, hosted by Hacettepe University in Ankara on 22.04.2019

How to Make a Green Campus” was held on 17.05.2019 for the members of our community.

Our community participated in Environment Beautification events organized by Mersin University on 05.03.2020.


Some images of the activities related to environment and sustainability are given above.

Example of events related to environment and sustainability hosted or organized by the Mersin University in the academic year 2017-2019.

Total number of sustainability/environment related events in:

2015/2016: 24

2016/2017: 27

2017/2018: 28

A total average per annum over the last 3 years of 26 events (e.g. conferences, workshops, awareness raising, practical training, etc.).

Additional evidence link: