Inorganic Waste
- Waste (WS)
[3.4] Inorganic Waste Treatment
Inorganic Waste Treatment (Mersin University) |
MACHINERY AND CHEMICAL INDUSTRY INSTITUTION (MKE) Law No 3284: Law On The Prohibition And Purchase Of Scratches. Law No: 7484: Date Of 13.07.2020 And Number Of 7484 Of M.K.E Scrape Management Directorate Article Of Higher Education Committee “Scrapping Process” Date 9970-E.00001304715 Dated 10.02.2020. Distributed-All State Universities The goods that have completed their economic life, have not been used, have not been repaired, and all kinds of materials, manufacturing residues, materials that cannot be used or that are not economical to use, scrap, waste and debris obtained during production are called scrap. In accordance with the legislation, they are moved to the scraps, which are deducted from the records, within the framework of the provisions of the Law No. 3284, the Decision of the Council of Ministers 7/2156 and the Prime Ministry Circular No. 2001/15; ” M.K.E ” Scrap-San A.Ş ” has been authorized and convicted to collect the prices to be accepted by the General Directorate of Machinery and Chemical Industry, Scrap Management Directorate Domestic Marketing and Sales Regulation and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. In this context, the electronic waste of our university is collected in storage areas and sold to MKE. |
Çevdosan waste management company in Mersin ensures that recyclable inorganic wastes are regularly recycled. This process is carried out with the collection vehicles coming to the campus every day. For electronic waste, an electronic waste collection box has been placed on the campus to ensure that students dispose of their waste. Scrap electronic wastes such as scrap computers, printers, cartridges and toner from our university are collected in temporary electronic waste warehouses and collected by MKE industrial organization in accordance with the contract made in certain periods. The contract sample is shown in the table. Waste batteries at our university are collected in boxes placed in each building, collected and recycled by the TAPDER organization.
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